引用元: カエル飼い始めたワイ、早速逃がす
引用元: お前らカエル飼わないか?
引用元: 【動画】カエルさん、取っ組み合いの喧嘩
Been playing #FF9 and had to make this meme after seeing this #frog video pic.twitter.com/4gGWxvr7du— phrog_lmao (@phrog_lmao) July 20, 2023
Been playing #FF9 and had to make this meme after seeing this #frog video pic.twitter.com/4gGWxvr7du
引用元: Vチューバー(年齢不詳)「高校のとき授業でカエルの解剖を~」ワイ「あっ」
'It's risky for male frogs out there': Female frog drags and attempts to eat screaming male https://t.co/4iYWyeyOjW— Live Science (@LiveScience) July 23, 2024
'It's risky for male frogs out there': Female frog drags and attempts to eat screaming male https://t.co/4iYWyeyOjW
引用元: ど根性ガエル「カエルを服で押し潰したら平面ガエルになりました」
引用元: 【画像】カエル、死す
The poor frog that was flung into the air and captured by a NASA camera during the LADEE shuttle launch in Virginia on September 6, 2013 pic.twitter.com/Pxi7KittkD— Massimo (@Rainmaker1973) September 9, 2023 ▽この画像に関する詳細:ちなみに生死は不明で生きている可能性もあるそうです。
The poor frog that was flung into the air and captured by a NASA camera during the LADEE shuttle launch in Virginia on September 6, 2013 pic.twitter.com/Pxi7KittkD— Massimo (@Rainmaker1973) September 9, 2023
The poor frog that was flung into the air and captured by a NASA camera during the LADEE shuttle launch in Virginia on September 6, 2013 pic.twitter.com/Pxi7KittkD
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