引用元: 【衝撃】 ゾウが腹を掻くときの画期的な方法が判明 [886559449]
この投稿をInstagramで見る Jack Swynnerton(@jackswynnerton)がシェアした投稿
Jack Swynnerton(@jackswynnerton)がシェアした投稿
The elephant’s penis is not only massive but prehensile. They use it to prop themselves up, swat flies from their side and scratch themselves on their stomach https://t.co/6knPTfCAM1 [source of the gif: https://t.co/WsfQdcGjZz] pic.twitter.com/VY5Aqo2aWr— Massimo (@Rainmaker1973) July 1, 2022
The elephant’s penis is not only massive but prehensile. They use it to prop themselves up, swat flies from their side and scratch themselves on their stomach https://t.co/6knPTfCAM1 [source of the gif: https://t.co/WsfQdcGjZz] pic.twitter.com/VY5Aqo2aWr
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