引用元: 【動画】ルイジアナ州に引っ越してきたカップル「いやあああ!ワニが家の中を練り歩いてるっ!?」
Yikes! A couple who recently moved to Louisiana got quite the welcome when they woke up to find an alligator in their home after it came through the doggy door! #alligator #louisiana #home #wilfelife pic.twitter.com/h9v3f1jQX9— Action News 5 (@WMCActionNews5) July 3, 2023
Yikes! A couple who recently moved to Louisiana got quite the welcome when they woke up to find an alligator in their home after it came through the doggy door! #alligator #louisiana #home #wilfelife pic.twitter.com/h9v3f1jQX9
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