引用元: アザラシのお母さん、死産だと思っていた赤ちゃんが動き出しびっくりしてしまうwwwwwwwwwwww
A mother seal just delivered a baby and thinks it's dead. And when she realizes the baby is alive, her joy and happiness are worth seeing. This magical moment makes the world beautiful for a moment.🪄 pic.twitter.com/cjL2oSRyTS— Hakan Kapucu (@1hakankapucu) May 4, 2023
A mother seal just delivered a baby and thinks it's dead. And when she realizes the baby is alive, her joy and happiness are worth seeing. This magical moment makes the world beautiful for a moment.🪄 pic.twitter.com/cjL2oSRyTS
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